The first question I have to ask myself even before getting started is: which language should I write in this blog? Writing a blog in a foreign language can be quite tricky, specially when dealing with sharing feelings and personal experiences. But for the sake of my international life style I´ll use English. As a good Brazilian, I apologize in advance for any grammatical, spelling or semantic mistake I make.
The second thing I should care about is to introduce myself so my readers can get the context of what they will see/read here. Well, let me start with the easy facts: I am Paula, I am Brazilian, I am a student, I am a traveler. Ah, I am also an only child (even though I didn´t like that when I was young). These are the simple things I can say about myself, and the basic roles that we take thru out our lives...
The third point is: why on earth did I decide to create a blog? I am not sure, to be honest! Maybe to express myself and share my thoughts... or to find out a bit more about myself... or to write about things and people that come along my journey... I hope I can answer this question any time, and if not, once more, sorry! One thing I will try to do is to stick to myself and my ideas. It might be a weird thing to say, but it can be hard sometimes...
So at the moment I live in Austria. I moved here because I wanted to stay with somebody. This truth was very hard for me to accept. But it is like that... I tried for many months to convince myself I came here to study, master degree in tourism would be something good for me, and that I can learn German, bla bla bla. But no, I came for a guy. I think my parents (deep inside) also know this, but they are more comfortable in believing I came looking for a masters degree. It is more or less the same feeling they have about my virginity I assume.
I am still with the person I came for, but things changed MUCH after that cold February 14th when we first met in a club. He agrees with this sentence. And my friends agree too, specially because they have to hear my constant feeling-changes along these (nearly) 3 years.
In 5 paragraphs I mentioned things that could have endless blog posts dedicated to, but they will come with time, when I get more comfortable with writing here... I hope this is a real start up! I tent to let many things unfinished sometimes...